279 East Broadway
Lower East Side, Manhattan
Parcel ID (BBL): 1002880065
Owner: Tatiana Von Furstenberg
Built: 1918
Renovated: 1997
SF: 3,410
Dwelling units: 3
No. of buildings: 1
Class: Primarily Three Family With Store or Office (S3)
Floors: 2
• Joseph Cerina filed plans for alteration in Lower East Side, Manhattan, on October 13, 2020.
• Joseph Cerina filed plans for alteration in Lower East Side, Manhattan, on October 13, 2020.
• Tatiana Frustenberg filed plans for alteration in Lower East Side, Manhattan, on January 29, 2007.
• Tatiana Von Furstenberg filed plans for alteration in Lower East Side, Manhattan, on July 23, 2020.