Yitzchak Tessler

Tessler Developments

Tessler Developments portfolio

(NYC’s “Market Value,” 50% or less of actual value)

$23.5 million – office 61.0%, condo 38.0%; Brooklyn 61.0%, Manhattan 38.0%

1559th largest portfolio by dollar value

96,341 sqft – office 84.0%, condo 15.0%;

1955th largest by SF

6 properties – Manhattan 66%, Brooklyn 33%

152th largest

15 foreclosures, 1 bankruptcy, 14 other court cases.

Person Activity past 24 months:

Buyer signatory: 0 for $0

Seller signatory: 0 for $0

Borrower signatory: 1 for $15.5 million

Lender signatory: 0 for $0

Developer (new building or major alteration): 0 for 0 square feet

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Signature Bank (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Michael Riegler (1)

Recent activity as signatory:

Tessler Developments borrowed $15.5 million from Signature Bank for 260 Park Avenue South, 260 Park Avenue South, 260 Park Avenue South, and 260 Park Avenue South, Flatiron District, Manhattan on January 23, 2023.

Yitzchak Tessler filed plans for major alteration for 185,471 sqft in Flatiron District, Manhattan, on April 14, 2022.


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