Shloime Rosenberg


Shloime Rosenberg portfolio

$6.4 million* – walkup 100%; Bronx 100%, Manhattan 0%

3380th largest portfolio by dollar value

97,280 sqft – walkup 100%;

1970th largest by SF

8 properties – Bronx 100%, Manhattan 0%

1115th largest

120 residential units – Bronx 100%, Manhattan 0%

1276th largest by residential units

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Berkadia Commercial Mortgage (1)

Recent activity as company:

Shloime Rosenberg borrowed $18.6 million from Berkadia Commercial Mortgage for 2252 Haviland Avenue, 2254 Haviland Avenue, 2256 Haviland Avenue, 2260 Haviland Avenue, 2261 Haviland Avenue, and others, Parkchester, Bronx on October 14, 2020.


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*The Portfolio Value is the city’s Market Value, which is typically 50% or less of actual market value.

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