Salvatore Bullaro


Salvatore Bullaro portfolio

$5 million* – mixed-use 57%, C3 42%; Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

3805th largest portfolio by dollar value

12,995 sqft – mixed-use 59%, C3 40%;

4878th largest by SF

2 properties – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

3503th largest

8 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

4321th largest by residential units

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Dennis McCormack (1), Ink Property Group (1), Avma Property Holdings (1), Michael Cohen (1), JTRE (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Dennis McCormack (1), Stephen S. Siminou (1), Michael Cohen (1)

Recent activity as company:

Ink Property Group and Avma Property Holdings sold 342 Bergen Street, Boerum Hill, Brooklyn for $4.5 million to Salvatore Bullaro on November 07, 2022.

Dennis McCormack sold 278 Grand Street, Williamsburg, Brooklyn for $4.5 million to Salvatore Bullaro on October 24, 2022.

Salvatore Bullaro, Olivia Armao and Tina-Marie Bullaro sold 1330 Broadway, Garment District, Manhattan for $9.7 million to Michael Cohen and JTRE on August 03, 2022.

Salvatore Bullaro filed plans for new building for 1,600 sqft in Hunts Point, Bronx, on October 23, 2020.


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*The Portfolio Value is the city’s Market Value, which is typically 50% or less of actual market value.

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