Gopi Punukollu
Gopi Punukollu portfolio
$1.5 million* – A5 59%, M1 40%; Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
5812th largest portfolio by dollar value
7,896 sqft – M1 76%, A5 23%;
5621th largest by SF
2 properties – Queens 100%, Manhattan 0%
4091th largest
0 foreclosures, 0 bankruptcies, 2 other court cases.
Person Activity past 24 months:
Buyer signatory: 1 for $2.7 million
Developer (new building or major alteration): 4.0 for 14,487 square feet
Top Ten Associated Companies:
Top Ten Associated People:
Tiffany M. French-Goffe (1)
Recent activity as company:
• NY Annual Conference Of The United Methodist Church sold 17-37 Linden Street and 17-35 Linden Street, Ridgewood, Queens for $2.7 million to Gopi Punukollu on July 11, 2023.
Latest Stories:
• Cardiologist in contract to pay $2.75M for shuttered Ridgewood church (May 22, 2023)
Court Records: