Berish Leser
Berish Leser portfolio
$11.6 million* – industrial 69%, C0 30%; Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%
2444th largest portfolio by dollar value
77,371 sqft – industrial 91%, C0 8%;
2241th largest by SF
2 properties – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%
3181th largest
3 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%
6011th largest by residential units
Person Activity past 24 months:
Buyer signatory: 1 for $5.5 million
Top Ten Associated Companies:
Elaine Klein (1), Customers Bank (1)
Top Ten Associated People:
Elaine Klein (1)
Recent activity as company:
• Elaine Klein sold 1557 50th Street, Borough Park, Brooklyn for $5.5 million to Berish Leser, Jacob Leser and Bentzion Henig on August 22, 2024.
• Berish Leser borrowed $10 million from Customers Bank for 1 Carlton Avenue, Fort Greene, Brooklyn on September 10, 2021.