Antonio Ambrosino


Antonio Ambrosino portfolio

$1.2 million* – walkup 100%; Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

6082th largest portfolio by dollar value

3,750 sqft – walkup 100%;

6688th largest by SF

5 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

5514th largest by residential units

Person Activity past 24 months:

Borrower signatory: 2 for $11.6 million

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Hirshmark Capital (1), Flushing Bank (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Abraham Goldman (1), Maura Nicolosi (1)

Recent activity as company:

• Ambrosino E borrowed $5 million from Flushing Bank for 1295 Broadway, Bushwick, Brooklyn on March 28, 2024.

Ambrosino Equities borrowed $6.6 million from Hirshmark Capital for 1295 Broadway and 1556 Broadway, Bushwick, Brooklyn on January 05, 2024.

Antonio Ambrosino filed plans for new building for 7,357 sqft in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn, on May 16, 2022.

Antonio Ambrosino filed plans for new building for 14,753 sqft in Bushwick, Brooklyn, on November 04, 2021.


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*The Portfolio Value is the city’s Market Value, which is typically 50% or less of actual market value.

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