Spatial Equity Co.


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Spatial Equity Co. portfolio

$12.3 million* – M1 88.0%, A9 7.0%; Manhattan 88.0%, Brooklyn 11.0%

2362th largest portfolio by dollar value

17,108 sqft – M1 67%, industrial 13%;

4442th largest by SF

6 properties – Brooklyn 66%, Manhattan 33%

1377th largest

126 residential units – Brooklyn 100%, Manhattan 0%

1226th largest by residential units

0 foreclosures, 0 bankruptcies, 1 other court case.

Company Activity past 24 months:

Buyer company: 2 for $58 million

Borrower company: 2 for $67.2 million

Top Ten Associated Companies:

Roman Catholic Church (3), Roman Catholic Church of Saint Brigid and Saint Emeric (3), William Lattarulo (1), NYS Housing Finance Agency (1), NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (1), Corporation for Supportive Housing (1)

Top Ten Associated People:

Kevin Nelan (2), William Lattarulo (1), Julie M. Behrens (1)

Recent activity as company:

Spatial Equity Co. and Community Access borrowed $44.2 million from Corporation for Supportive Housing for 181 Avenue D, Alphabet City, Manhattan on August 20, 2024.

Roman Catholic Church and Roman Catholic Church of Saint Brigid and Saint Emeric sold 181 Avenue D, Alphabet City, Manhattan for $35 million to Spatial Equity Co. and Community Access on August 20, 2024.

Spatial Equity Co. and Community Access borrowed $23 million from Roman Catholic Church and Roman Catholic Church of Saint Brigid and Saint Emeric for 733 East 12th Street, Alphabet City, Manhattan on August 06, 2024.

Roman Catholic Church and Roman Catholic Church of Saint Brigid and Saint Emeric sold 733 East 12th Street, Alphabet City, Manhattan for $23 million to Spatial Equity Co. and Community Access on August 06, 2024.

HousingPlus and Spatial Equity Co. borrowed $57.8 million from NYS Housing Finance Agency and NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development for 793 Glenmore Avenue, 355 Shepherd Avenue, 795 Glenmore Avenue, and 353 Shepherd Avenue, East New York, Brooklyn on November 17, 2022.

William Lattarulo sold 793 Glenmore Avenue, 355 Shepherd Avenue, and 795 Glenmore Avenue, East New York, Brooklyn for $4.1 million to HousingPlus and Spatial Equity Co. on November 17, 2022.

Court Records:

To see the 1 case for this company you need a Professional level subscription

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To see the 6 properties for this company you need a Professional level subscription

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*The Portfolio Value is the city’s Market Value, which is typically 50% or less of actual market value.

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