Lemor Development Group


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Lemor Development Group portfolio

$93.5 million* – walkup 66.0%, elevator 19.0%; Manhattan 98.0%, Bronx 1.0%

598th largest portfolio by dollar value

959,126 sqft – walkup 66.0%, elevator 27.0%;

359th largest by SF

54 properties – Manhattan 98%, Bronx 1%

180th largest

978 residential units – Manhattan 100.0%, Bronx 0.0%

244th largest by residential units

1 foreclosure, 0 bankruptcies, 0 other court cases.

Company Activity past 24 months:

Buyer company: 2 for $112 million

Seller company: 1 for $12.6 million

Borrower company: 1 for $383.6 million

Top Ten Associated People:

Jonathan Gouveia (2), Alexander Sismanoglou (1), David L. Haselkorn (1), Brian Cheigh (1)

Recent activity as company:

New York City Housing Authority sold 107 West 143rd Street and 111 West 143rd Street, Harlem, Manhattan for $6.8 million to Genesis Companies, Community League of the Heights and Lemor Development Group on October 15, 2024.

Genesis Companies, Community League of the Heights and Lemor Development Group borrowed $383.6 million from NYC Housing Development Corporation and Freddie Mac for 164 West 147th Street, 2441 Adam C Powell Jr Blvd, 2453 Adam C Powell Jr Blvd, 2449 Adam C Powell Jr Blvd, 131 West 143rd Street, and others, Harlem, Manhattan on October 15, 2024.

New York City Housing Authority sold 2537 Adam C Powell Blvd, 2441 Adam C Powell Blvd, 2453 Adam C Powell Blvd, 2449 Adam C Powell Blvd, 131 West 143rd Street, and others, Harlem, Manhattan for $105.2 million to Genesis Companies, Community League of the Heights and Lemor Development Group on October 15, 2024.

Lemor Development Group sold 2394 Adam C Powell Blvd, 224 West 140th Street, 226 West 140th Street, and 228 West 140th Street, Harlem, Manhattan for $12.6 million to Alexander Sismanoglou on April 12, 2024.

• David Haselkorn sold 2005 Jerome Avenue, Morris Heights, Bronx for $4.6 million to Lemor Development Group on December 27, 2021.

Lemor Development Group borrowed $6 million from Enterprise Community Partners for 2005 Jerome Avenue, Morris Heights, Bronx on December 27, 2021.

National Equity Fund sold 233 West 140th Street, 151 West 140th Street, 227 West 140th Street, 143 West 140th Street, 226 West 141st Street, and others, Central Harlem, Manhattan for $15.7 million to Lemor Development Group on January 21, 2021.

Lemor Development Group borrowed $18.7 million from Walker & Dunlop for 267 West 126th Street, 265 West 126th Street, 263 West 126th Street, Central Harlem, Manhattan on December 06, 2019.

Court Records:

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To see the 54 properties for this company you need a Professional level subscription

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*The Portfolio Value is the city’s Market Value, which is typically 50% or less of actual market value.

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